Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thing 13: Podcasts

Podcasts of lectures and other programs (those that lend themselves to audio recording) held in, or sponsored by, the library would be a useful addition to our services.

Western Kentucky University Libraries has been doing this since 2006 and has one convenient Web page that lists the newest podcasts, along with links to all the podcasts in 7 different series. I noticed that they also link to their library audio tour podcast. I like the way they've included one photograph to enhance the brief description of each podcast.

Here's a reference to an article from the latest issue of Library Hi Tech that we could take a look at, in the process of deciding where to start with podcasts.

TI: Podcasting initiatives in American research libraries
AU: Bierman, James; Valentino, Maura L.
JN: Library Hi Tech
PD: 14 June 2011
VO: 29
NO: 2
PG: 349-358(10)
PB: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
IS: 0737-8831

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